nature preservation in Fljótstunga
Fljótstunga Travel Farm is a project dedicated to the preservation of the largest cave in Iceland, and the 20 km2 of land that surround it, which are in the Fljótstunga land. The farm is dated close to the settlement of Iceland and it is part of the lava field with the largest caves in the country. It also contains a part of the largest wetlands in Iceland with lakes, rivers and unspoiled nature. Viking Sagas have been set in Fljótstunga and archaeological sites and remains have been found in the land.
Fljotstunga Farm is located deep in the west of Iceland, here we provide services for environmentally friendly traveling, science internships and an international artistic residency with site relatead research projects. Through our activities we promote the relation between scientfic and artistic research as equally important for the knowlege of the land.
Fljótstunga farm is part of the SAGA Geopark project and will soon be protected by UNESCO. Fljótstunga supports the Icelandic Environment Association which is the main non-governmental organization in Iceland focusing on environmental issues and nature preservation.
Víðgelmir, the largest cave in Iceland, is found in the land of Fljótstunga. The lava cave has been preserved since 1991 and it is only possible to enter it with proper guidance from the residents in Fljótstunga.
The Fljótstunga sheep round-up is an event held at the Fljótstunga rétt and celebrated in September where thousands of sheep come down the mountains. The 'rétt', a round-up pen, is an impressive man made lava construction, built around 1850 and still in use.
With Fljótstunga's lava caves, rivers, large fields of exotic moss, rocks, lakes and wild life, the residents in Fljótstunga have decided to protect the land with the help of enthusiastic people from all around the world.