Which ones have you spotted during your stay?

While hiking through the highlands of Fljótstunga it will be impossible to miss a common Icelandic sheep but for those in luck you might see an Arctic Fox running like a ballet dancer over the lava field or even the American Mink that was imported to Iceland for its fur but who also roams the highlands wild as the birds.
In Norðlingafljót, from which Fljótstunga gets its name, there is Arctic Salmon and in the rivers and lakes above and around Fljótstunga there is Trout and Char. In Fljótstunga we rent fishing rods and guests are welcome to do the 'Fishing Hike' and try their luck in Dalfoss waterfall!
The beautiful whooper swans, the funny sounding Common Snipe, an occasional Sea Eagle, the and the mischievous Oystercatcher are just a few amongst the many birds that can be spotted in Fljótstunga and the highlands, river and mountains around it.
animals in Fljótstunga